Daily Devotional
In Essentials, Unity

“Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.”

Philippians 2:3-4

Ponder This

Some members of a church stay home when there are fellowship events and say, “I just want preaching, praying, and singing.” When there is a special music presentation, some people say, “Praise God, that was wonderful.” Others say, “Don’t you know we’re in church? Save your applause for the theater. Now that was unto God. You don’t need to applaud some man, some woman, some performance.” Who is right and who is wrong? May I suggest to you neither is right and neither is wrong. It’s just a matter of preference.

Don’t look down your nose at somebody else and don’t criticize. We’re never going to please everybody, and if we keep arguing over incidentals, we’re going to divide until there’s nobody left standing.

Jesus is the One who should unite us. He died and rose and revived that He might be Lord of the living and the dead. The unity in a church is not in the organization, not in the music, and not in the preaching; it is in Jesus Christ our Lord. In essentials, we must have unity. That will require you to let some things go, let some things not be so big as you have made them, and listen to someone else. We can’t go on insisting on our own way. We are to be united.

  • Do you feel united with your church family? Why or why not? How can you be united to your church family?
  • When have you insisted on your own way in church? How did that affect your unity with others?

Practice This

Meet up with someone in your church this week, seeking to draw nearer in unity.

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