Daily Devotional
It’s hard to be poor but harder to be rich


Two things have I required of Thee. Deny me them not before I die: Remove far from me vanity [falsehood] and lies; Give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient [needful] for me, lest I be full and deny Thee and say, “Who is the Lord?” Or lest I be poor, and steal, and take the name of my God in vain. Proverbs 30:7-9


To pass the test of life, one test you may have to pass is the test of poverty. If so, the Lord has some advice for you. See your poverty in the proper perspective. Because in the Lord Jesus Christ you are highly exalted, no matter how poor you are. Having Christ, you are richer than the richest man on earth without the Lord Jesus Christ. As a Christian, you have gone from rags to riches.

Did you know that many of you would do better being poor than being rich? Some people can stand almost anything but prosperity. This is what our passage in Proverbs is saying.

Some of God’s choicest of saints were extremely wealthy. Abraham is an example. But the rich man is to see his riches from a proper perspective. Actually, it’s very hard to be poor and it’s even harder to be rich. The rich man may have an easier time in life, but he has a harder time passing the test.


It’s not wrong to have money. The Lord does not tell the rich man to renounce his riches, just to properly assess his riches.


Front Porch Moments by Gayle Foster


I try to unplug each morning with Jesus with just my rocking chair, my Bible, and a pen.

Having a secret place is very important because I know that Jesus is always there waiting for me. I know where I can find Him! His presence is everywhere, but there are places where it is so thick you can cut it with a knife. You may not even have a front porch, but there is a secret place for you as well. God’s invitations are for anyone who will respond. There is no more important request than the one found in Psalm 27:8: “My heart has heard You say, ‘Come and talk with Me.’ And my heart responds, ‘Lord, I am coming.’”