Daily Devotional
Joy or Sadness—You Get to choose


In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. 1 John 4:9


In his book You Can Have Joy! Arnold Prater told of an Englishman named John Deckard who had an award-winning passion for roses.

One year, John grew a “rose among roses” to enter in the annual Garden Show. But before he could cut the rose, his little son rushed in and exclaimed, “Daddy, look what I have for you!” His small hand clutched the prize rose. Visitors to the Garden Show were astonished when they saw John’s entry. For in the flowerpot was a photo of his son with the rose in his hands, along with an honorary blue ribbon.

Sometimes your plans go awry. Your dreams may be crushed. But in their place, God sends His own Son, Jesus. And when that happens, nothing else matters but the love of His Son.


What disappointment have you experienced this week? Did you choose joy or sadness? What can you learn from today’s devotional thought to apply to your life the next time disappointment comes?

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