“You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.”
May 3, 2023
A woman came to her pastor and said, “Pastor, when should I begin the spiritual training of my child? When he’s five years old?” Pastor said, “No.” “When he’s three years old?” “No.” “When he’s three months old?” He said, “No.” “Well, when shall I begin?” The pastor said, “With his grandparents.” The faith that was first in your grandmother and now in your mother and now in you (see 2 Timothy 1:5). Don’t you want your children to love God? Show them through how you worship. It is so important that we teach our families to worship.
Do you worship the one true God? Do you worship Him in spirit and truth? Do your children know that you love Him more than anything else? I’ve got four kids, and one thing they know is their dad is not perfect. They know it. But I’ll tell you something else they know. All four of them will tell you that dad is not a phony—he loves God. They know that God is number one in my life. The best thing you can do for your kids is not to give them a college education or leave them a legacy but to teach them to worship God.
Tell someone who truly lives a life of worship before God how he or she has impacted you.
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