“Remind them to be subject to rulers and authorities, to obey, to be ready for every good work, to speak evil of no one, to be peaceable, gentle, showing all humility to all men.”
May 23, 2023
May I tell you that the Church is saturated with both ignorance and arrogance? The Bible teaches that you and I are to live a lifestyle of meekness. Meekness is not a weakness. Jesus said, “I am meek and lowly” (Matthew 11:29 KJV). He was and is not weak. He’s the One who spent 40 days and nights fasting in the wilderness. Jesus was the One who took a whip and drove the moneychangers out of the temple. But Jesus said, “I am meek and lowly in heart.” Meekness means strength under control.
The world calls the Church hate-mongers. They call us insensitive. The problem is that we often react to that with angry rhetoric, and it escalates on both sides. James 1:19 says, “So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.” And then verse 20 is key, “for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.” There are many Christians you can find with their faces red, their fists in the air, or screaming and calling names. Do you think that’s going to win anything for the Lord? It will not! The Bible says we are to have meekness and fear. We are to be slow to speak and quick to hear. The wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.
Find a prayer or verse to recite when you feel ungodly anger welling up inside you.
Discover the character of God through His many names revealed in Scripture. This month-long devotional invites you to read, reflect, and respond to the meaning of God's names, renewing your mind and transforming your heart in faith.