“Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving; meanwhile praying also for us, that God would open to us a door for the word, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in chains, that I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak.”
March 19, 2025
When I was young, I was preaching a revival service in Jacksonville, Florida, with a friend of mine who was from there, and he asked me to meet his mom. I’d never met Mrs. Harvey. So, we went to their small home and this little woman came out and she had crippling arthritis. Her hands were very puffy. Her joints were swollen. She could hardly stand up straight. When we talked to her, she asked about the revival service. I was a young evangelist and full of myself, so I said, “Wonderful! God came down; it was glorious.” I began to tell her all the things that happened. Tears welled up in her eyes. She said, “I knew it.” She said, “Adrian, the whole time you were preaching I was on my knees praying for you.”
I was amazed—what pain it must have been for this lady even to get on her knees! But what a ministry! Some of you feel like you have nothing to offer, but you’ve got prayer. Would you pray for your Sunday school teacher, and will you pray for others in the Lord’s Church? That is a ministry! And you’ve been called into the ministry.
Talk to your pastor, Sunday school teacher, or other leaders in your church and ask where they need prayer. Commit to praying for them.
This ministry is made possible because of the generous support of people like you who believe in the mission of Love Worth Finding—to bring people to Christ and mature them in the faith.
Your gift today will help others hear the profound truth of the Gospel…simply stated by Pastor Adrian Rogers.