Daily Devotionals

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"The daily devotional & message are helping me grow day after day. It is such a blessing to me and to my family & friends as I share it with them as well."


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April 3 • Romans 10:17

Do You Know Jesus?

Do you know about Jesus, or do you know Him? Is your faith firsthand or secondhand? To have faith, you must know what God has said and respond to His Word.


April 2 • John 2:5-11

Why Should You Be Quick to Obey Jesus?

When we obey the Lord Jesus with full obedience, we experience good and bring God glory.


April 1 • John 2:1-3

Are You Experiencing the Joy of Jesus?

When our Lord saves us, He does more than deliver us from Hell, He gives us life abundant and free. He doesn’t merely pardon our sins. The Bible says He will abundantly pardon us and give us new life in Him!


March 31 • Romans 5:10

The Cross Reconciled Us to God

We were separated and far from God but because Jesus reconciled us to God, we can live in His presence forevermore!


March 30 • 1 Peter 3:18

Do You Try to Earn God’s Forgiveness?

Jesus has once suffered for sin. That means you cannot pay for it yourself through your good works or by beating yourself up with shame. It has already been paid in full.


March 29 • Acts 4:13

What You Need the Most Today

We share the living Christ with others, but it is not our responsibility to convince people to follow Him. Their encounter with the living Christ changes them and they will never be the same.


March 28 • 1 Peter 1:17-19

Called to be Unashamed of God

When you put yourself under the blood, the judgment of Almighty God will pass over you. And the Passover lamb in the Old Testament was a picture of the ultimate Lamb of God, the Lord Jesus Christ.


March 27 • Matthew 27:29-31

Are You Ashamed of Jesus?

Let us never be ashamed of Jesus and the scars He bore for our sake.


March 26 • Luke 22:41-43

Jesus Chose to Save Us

Adam, following Satan in the garden of Eden, said, “Not thy will, but mine” and ruined the race. Jesus, in another garden, as the last Adam said, “not My will, but Yours,” and redeemed the race.


March 25 • Matthew 27:22

Is Jesus Really God?

Each of us has the opportunity, like Pilate, to decide what we do with Jesus. We can either accept Him or reject Him, love or despise Him, but we cannot be neutral.

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