Daily Devotionals

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November 12 • Genesis 24:56

How to be Truly Successful

Success is the progressive realization of the will of God for your life.


November 11 • 2 Timothy 4:7-8

Are You a Goal Setter?

Without spiritual goals, you will never experience spiritual fulfillment in life.


November 10 • Ezekiel 47:12

Are You Bearing Fruit?

Where the river flows, the fruit of the Spirit will show—love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, mercy, faith. Where these waters flow, these trees grow, and fruit will follow.


November 9 • Ezekiel 47:7-8

The Holy Spirit Wants to Flow Through You

God desires for you to be on fire for Jesus Christ with the humble, holy, and heated flow from the Holy Spirit coming out of you. When that happens, those waters will flow down into the depressed, the desert, and the deadly places, and lost people will be attracted.


November 8 • 1 Kings 18:37-39

Do You Pray for Revival?

How much of your prayer life is consumed for the glory of God? We need God’s revival; it is something we should crave.


November 7 • 1 Kings 18:5-6

Are You Fully Devoted to God?

We are called to be fully devoted to our God and never compromise. Was there ever a time when you loved Jesus more than you love Him now? If you are compromising, you can’t bring revival, no matter how hard you try.


November 6 • Ezekiel 47:1-2

Humility Must Come Before Revival

When a humble, holy flow of living water runs through you and flows down into the depressed, dry, and deadly places of your own heart—others will see the work of God in you.


November 5 • John 7:37-38

Are You Thirsty for Revival?

You have all of God you want. If you don’t have more of God, it’s because you don’t want more of God. It’s not our job to persuade God to send revival but to permit Him to do so—to be thirsty.


November 4 • Psalm 133:1

What Does Unity Among Believers Mean?

Love your brothers and sisters in Christ—no matter the color of their skin, their age, or their social status. Put your arms around them. Bring them in. Don’t shut them out, and don’t divide over unnecessary things. When we get together, we can do wonderful and glorious things.


November 3 • Luke 16:10

Do the Small Things

Everything big is made of something small. So, if you’ll be faithful in the small things, the big things will take care of themselves.

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