Daily Devotionals

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September 4 • Isaiah 1:18

Are You a Closet Cynic?

A cynic is one who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. Many people today scorn the Gospel and haven’t discerned the inherent goodness in Jesus Christ because they’re cynics.


September 3 • Lamentations 3:22-23

You’ve Got 24 for You to Use

Every day is a gift from God. Time is something God gave you today and will give you tomorrow. It’s not something you own. God is the creator, the possessor of time.


September 2 • Exodus 33:14

Would You Want God to Engineer Your Problems?

A good counselor has the ways of God in his or her heart. And only those who know the ways of God make a good counselor.


September 1 • Matthew 23:27

The Hollywood Star Who Was a “Cardboard Christian”

There have always been hypocrites. There always will be. But how wonderful to know Jesus Christ—to serve and love Him with reality in your heart.


August 31 • Proverbs 11:30

Are You Wasting First-Rate Enthusiasm On A Second-Rate Cause?

It's time we got excited about what excites God, our Father, and that's winning people to Jesus Christ, committed to the cause of the Holy Spirit.


August 30 • Acts 8:35

Allow God to Use You

The Bible says the eyes of the Lord are searching, looking for men, women, boys, and girls He can use. Are some folks being used of God, but you're not? Get yourself usable. Be completely available to Him, and God will wear you out.


August 29 • Colossians 4:12

You Are a Temple

They talk about wanting more of the Holy Spirit. The problem is not for you to get more of the Holy Spirit, for the Bible says God doesn’t give His Spirit by measure. You have all the Holy Spirit you’re ever going to get.


August 28 • Joshua 1:8

Are You Really Successful?

Success is simply the progressive realization of the will of God for your life. Ask yourself, “Am I actively seeking to know God’s will?” Be diligent to find out what it is.


August 27 • Deuteronomy 6:23

Do You Live in Victory?

In your life in Christ, are you just circling around? Stuck in a rut? Off in the ditch? Or do your children see a vibrant, personal relationship with the God who parted the Red Sea and is answering your prayers today?


August 26 • Ephesians 5:18

You Must Be Filled

What does it mean to be filled with the Spirit? It implies continuous control by the Holy Spirit. The emphasis is on “be filled,” not “get filled.”


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