Daily Devotionals

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August 15 • Philippians 4:11

Teach Them to Be Content

One of the most valuable things you can learn for yourself—and teach your children—is contentment. Let your home ring with love, laughter, conversation, fun, and be content with the simpler things of life.


August 14 • Mark 8:36

Are You Losing the Rainbow?

Don’t be so busy making a living that you forget to live! So many people are doing that. God says that is vanity. There's a time to work. There’s also a time to rest.


August 13 • 1 Peter 3:10

Three Dangers to Your Home

One of the greatest dangers to your home comes from within. It’s bitterness. Bitterness, like termites, eats away at your home’s foundation, destroying your marriage.


August 12 • Ecclesiastes 4:12

Do You Want a Stronger Marriage?

The Bible says, “A three-fold cord is not easily broken.” What is that three-fold cord? A man, a woman, and God Himself. Marriage is much stronger when you both love the Lord first.


August 11 • 3 John 1:4

For Your Children, Do You Want What God Wants?

What are the desires that you have for your children? What are you praying for them? Are you praying for their health, their wealth, that they might be famous, or that they might have a life of ease?


August 10 • Deuteronomy 5:29

Next to God, They Are Your #1 Priority

It’s so important that we understand God’s plan for the home and the family. Let me tell you why family is so important. A child gets his idea of himself from his family.


August 9 • Psalm 51:4

Do You Break God's Heart?

If all you're afraid of is punishment for your sin, I doubt you've been saved. A child of God weeps not primarily because of punishment, but because they’ve disgraced God.


August 8 • Ephesians 3:8

In Jesus, You Have All You Need

Have you been complaining about your poverty? Listen, you may not have much money in the bank, but you are immensely wealthy. You’re in the King’s family!


August 7 • Hebrews 5:7

Do You Labor With God?

The life of the Lord Jesus shows us by His example how we should pray. Set aside a time every day to get alone with God in prayer.


August 6 • 2 Timothy 2:26

What Are You Holding on to?

What sin is holding you captive? Let go of it. Relinquish the sin you’re clinging to.


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