Read More StoriesJesus is our example. He is a champion who, at the end of His race, received a crown of joy. When an athlete runs, he runs to win a trophy.
READ MOREIt is Jesus all the way. If you want faith, fix your eyes upon Jesus Christ. Keep “looking unto Jesus.” Your faith will grow.
READ MOREeing saved and running your race is a full-time occupation. Don’t settle any longer for being a part-time Christian. Commit fully to following Jesus.
READ MOREUnbelief is not a mental sin; it’s a moral sin. It doesn’t come out of the head; it comes out of the heart.
READ MOREWhatever it is, if you want to win the race, lay it aside. Good things become bad things when they keep you from the best things.
READ MOREGet the sin out of your life. Fix your eyes on Jesus Christ. Don’t slack up. Finish your course. Go across the finish line with a burst of energy.
READ MOREWhen a person dies, his spirit departs. And that’s what’s happened to many churches: the Holy Spirit has departed.
READ MOREIt's getting very dark. But praise God, it's getting gloriously dark, and before long, that morning star, Jesus, is going to appear.
READ MOREDon't give up, don't let down. Hold fast, stick to it, stay with the Word of God. Hold fast that truth. Hold fast to this Book and don't let go.
READ MOREWho among us will be faithful unto death? We’re not to be fearful; we’re to be faithful. God help us that we shall.
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