Daily Devotionals

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August 22 • Isaiah 55:8

You Are Not God

God says, “My thoughts and your thoughts are different. My ways and your ways are different.” We need to understand that God works on a different thought level than we do.


August 21 • Matthew 6:20

Are You Investing in Heaven?

Take the money you have, make plans for the future, and invest your money in something that is going to Heaven. 


August 19 • Ephesians 6:12

Now Is Not the Time to Sleep

We are in a great spiritual struggle. Right now we see colossal forces colliding, and this is no time to be asleep.


August 18 • 1 John 1:8

What Do You Call Sin?

How do you view sin in your life? If you try to ignore it, you’ll never have fellowship with God. See it for what it is: an affront to a Holy God. Ask God to let you see it as He sees it.


August 17 • 2 Corinthians 2:11

Do You Believe Lies?

You’re surrounded with the blessings of God, but Satan has you believing they’re not yours. Stop believing the devil’s lie. Start believing Jesus, who said, “I’ve come that you may have life and have it more abundantly.”


August 16 • James 1:17

Are You Thankful at Heart?

Oh, friend, may God have mercy upon the spirit of greed that’s in our hearts! May we understand that all that we have has come from God—and thank Him for all He has done for us.


August 15 • Philippians 4:11

Teach Them to Be Content

One of the most valuable things you can learn for yourself—and teach your children—is contentment. Let your home ring with love, laughter, conversation, fun, and be content with the simpler things of life.


August 14 • Mark 8:36

Are You Losing the Rainbow?

Don’t be so busy making a living that you forget to live! So many people are doing that. God says that is vanity. There's a time to work. There’s also a time to rest.


August 13 • 1 Peter 3:10

Three Dangers to Your Home

One of the greatest dangers to your home comes from within. It’s bitterness. Bitterness, like termites, eats away at your home’s foundation, destroying your marriage.


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