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June 23 • 2 Kings 7:2

You Might Be an Atheist

Are you captured by the thief of unbelief? Your sins are withholding good things from you and unbelief is the chief among them. Renounce unbelief as a sin. Confess it to the Lord. Refuse to let it hold you captive.


June 22 • 2 Kings 7:1a

Our God Cannot Lie

Praise God for His absolute trustworthiness. No need to argue or quibble about it. If it’s the Word of God and God is a God of truth, then it can’t contain error.


June 21 • Psalm 128

Fathers… You Are Key

These children of yours are like olive plants round about your table. Dads, if you will do this, if you will put the emphasis upon your family, we are going to see goodness in this nation again.


June 20 • James 5:12

Keep Your Promises, Dad

Are you a man of your word? If not, start fresh today and make a commitment that you will stand behind your word.


June 19 • Exodus 2:2

Great People Don’t Sprout Up Magically

Train your children. A child who’s taught the way they should go, can hear other teaching and depart. But when they’re trained, it becomes part of their life.


June 18 • 1 Chronicles 16:27

Jesus Values Time with You

Are you occupied elsewhere doing things for God, rather than spending time with Him? Jesus values the time you spend with Him far more than the things you do for Him.


June 17 • Matthew 16:24

Be Prepared to Deny Yourself

Self doesn’t want to die. Take Self off the throne and enthrone Jesus there instead. Tell Him, “None of me and all of Thee, Lord Jesus.”


June 16 • Genesis 22:13

God Knows Before You Do

Don’t give way to panic. Worry is an insult to Almighty God. Trust God—He already knows.


June 15 • 2 Kings 6:25

Who Would Choose This Depraved Diet?

You must load up on the Word of God. Feast on the honey, the milk, the meat of God’s Word. Then you won’t be hungry for that which corrupts yet doesn’t satisfy.


June 14 • Romans 5:12

Are You Blaming Others?

According to behavioral psychologists, people behaving badly may be pitied but not blamed. They may be sick, but they’re not sinful. They may be weak but not wicked.


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