Daily Devotionals

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"The daily devotional & message are helping me grow day after day. It is such a blessing to me and to my family & friends as I share it with them as well."


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May 4 • Isaiah 55:8

Are God’s Ways Confusing?

What issue in your life do you need to surrender to Him today? Confess: “I do not understand, O God, but I know you are faithful. You are trustworthy.”


May 3 • Psalm 37:7

Do You Ever Doubt God?

To know God intimately begins with two things: time in His Word and time in prayer. You know God intimately by directly dealing with God. You can’t know anyone you don’t spend time with. Commit today to spending time in His Word and prayer.


May 2 • Exodus 33:13

Do You Know God's Way?

As you go through your day, ask God to show you His ways and to reveal to you how they are in contrast to the way the world thinks. Align your thoughts with His ways. You learn His ways by reading His Word.


May 1 • 1 Samuel 15:23

Are You a Closet Rebel?

Is there some area in your life where you’re “standing up on the inside”? If on the inside you still harbor a rebellious spirit, you are not really “obeying.”


April 30 • 1 John 5:14

You Can Find God's Will

Thank God for the second Adam, the Lord Jesus, who prayed in another garden, saying, “Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done” (Luke 22:42). Are you submitted to the will of God?


April 29 • Ephesians 4:30-31

Release Your Bitterness

Don’t let another day go by without bringing that bitterness to God and asking Him to help you release it.


April 28 • Psalm 85:6

We Need Revival

This cycle is being revealed in today’s current status. But I'm telling you, it’s time some of us took our place and prayed for God to send a mighty revival and for us to return to Him. It’s not too late with God!


April 27 • Revelation 3:20

Have You Opened His Door?

If you have opened the door to Him, you feast in Him. You are in the Lord’s fellowship. You sit at His table! And no matter how poor you are, you eat with the King! Open your heart’s door to the Lord Jesus Christ.


April 26 • 1 Corinthians 1:18

You Have 3 Problems

The Jews look for a sign; it is the Cross. The Greeks want wisdom; it is the Cross. To this world it is foolishness, but to God it is not foolishness. Now, thank God for the message of the Cross.


April 25 • Proverbs 16:16

Do You Value Wisdom?

Make today be a great day in your life and begin to seek after wisdom with the same intensity and commitment as you seek after money.


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