Read More StoriesAre you abiding? Are you being fruitful? Ask God to show you where you need to make changes so that you are walking in the Spirit.
READ MOREThe moment you were saved, God began His work to make you pure and holy.
READ MOREDon't have any fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness! We're to walk in the light.
READ MOREWhat are you grasping for today? Position? Power? Possessions? Prestige? Whatever it is, if you desire it more than you desire to know Him, it will turn to ash in your hand.
READ MOREKeep the Word of God. That's a simple principle, but how important it is. Jesus said, “He that keeps my commandments, he it is that loves Me, and he that loves Me shall be loved of My Father and I will manifest Myself to him.” You want Him to be real to you? Then begin to obey His Word.
READ MOREBe on guard for those little things that may slip in unnoticed but undermine God’s greater purpose in your life.
READ MOREIf you want your life to be an exclamation point rather than a question mark, then you need to be certain the Bible is the Word of God.
READ MOREThe Lord Jesus knows you by name. You came to God by Jesus? Then you’re on His prayer list.
READ MORERemember His mercy today and thank Him specifically for how He has covered your life with His garment of mercy.
READ MOREKeep your eyes and ears open. Let the Holy Spirit show you if there is someone you can befriend and help to grow, as Barnabas did Saul/Paul.
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