Daily Devotionals

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"The daily devotional & message are helping me grow day after day. It is such a blessing to me and to my family & friends as I share it with them as well."


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December 27 •

Enriched Life

To understand how rich Christmas has made you, add up everything you have in Christ that money cannot buy and death cannot take away.


December 26 •

Eternal Life

Jesus did not come into this world at Christmastime to make us nice people. He came to make us new creatures. He was born of a virgin so that we might be born again.


December 25 • Christmas

O Come, Let Us Adore Him, Christ, the Lord

There is no doubt that the baby whose birth we celebrate was no ordinary child. He came as the Son of God and Son of Man, He is the King of kings.


December 24 •

Simplifying Service

This Christmas, we need to go boldly to those who have not yet bowed their knee to Jesus and tell them the greatest news anyone could ever hear: “For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord”


December 23 •

Saving Sinners

As we are rubbing elbows with so many people this Christmas season, wouldn’t it be wonderful if every believer would share the “good tidings of great joy” with at least one other person?


December 22 •

Silencing Satan and Strengthening Saints

Today’s ReadingAnd they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death. REVELATION 12:11Silencing Satan and Strengthening SaintsConfessing Christ not only seals ...


December 21 •

Sealing Salvation

The good news of Christmas is that when you call on Jesus and say, “Lord, save me,” He says to you, “Today it is done.” Salvation is by grace through faith, and it is immediate and total. But you must be committed to Jesus’ Lordship if you want His salvation.


December 20 • Jesus

Confessing Jesus as Lord

Have you crowned Jesus as Lord in your personal and family life? Are you gladly, freely, and openly confessing Him as Lord?


December 19 •

Jesus is Savior and Lord

The Lordship of Jesus Christ is of paramount importance to you and your loved ones. No matter where you turn in the New Testament, you are confronted with the indisputable fact that Jesus is Lord.


December 18 •

The Lamb in Victory and Majesty

When we go to heaven, we will see those nail prints in His hands. Jesus is a standing Lamb. He laid down in death in a grave, but the grave could not hold Him. He stood up in resurrection, and He is standing in heaven today, making intercession for us.


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