Daily Devotionals

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"The daily devotional & message are helping me grow day after day. It is such a blessing to me and to my family & friends as I share it with them as well."


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November 16 • Isaiah 45:5-6

Do You Have Divided Devotion to God?

If there is something that you love more, fear more, serve more, or trust more than almighty God, no wonder God’s presence is not real in your heart and in your life. You have divided devotion.


November 15 • Exodus 33:1-3

God’s Presence is All We Need

When you have the presence of God, you need nothing more, but you should settle for nothing less.


November 14 • Genesis 50:24-26

Do Your Emotions Lie to You?

Put your confidence in the unshakeable power of God, not in your reasoning and not in your emotions.


November 13 • Hebrews 11:22

Are You Able to Smile at Death?

Faith is standing on the promises of God. And because of those promises, we can smile at death.


November 12 • Genesis 45:26-27

How Does Coming to Jesus Lead to Going?

Our faith is summed up in this; “Come to Me and go to all the world.”


November 11 • Matthew 11:28

Jesus Desires for You to Come to Him

The only way you’ll know Jesus is for Jesus to reveal Himself to you. You’ll never figure Him out. And even your reading this devotional is by His divine providence to draw you to Himself.


November 10 • Genesis 45:9-13

Are You Going with the Gospel?

What right do we have to call ourselves children of God if we fail to obey Him? Our Lord has given us a Great Commission. We’re to go into all the world and share the Lord Jesus Christ.


November 9 • Genesis 45:3-5

God Draws Us to Himself

Pain and heartache in life is the silken cord that God is using to draw you to Himself because He loves you.


November 8 • Ephesians 5:25-27

Come to Jesus Today

God wants you to be a part of the Church, His bride. He wants you to know Jesus. And He’s saying to you, “If you’ve never come, then come now.”


November 7 • John 6:35

Find True Abundance Through Jesus

The name Joseph means “a multiplier,” and he is a portrait of Jesus. Jesus said, “I’ve come that you might have life, and have it abundantly.” He is the Joseph who adds to, who multiplies, and who gives abundance.

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