Daily Devotionals

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July 8 • Judges 2:6-10

Do You Appreciate Your Blessings from God?

Even when we have times of plenty and even after God’s provision, we still tend to forget that our blessings come from the hand of God. If we fail to exercise wisdom and caution, we will miss God Himself.


July 7 • Nehemiah 2:4-6

Do You Bring Your Needs to God?

Sometimes, when we see a problem, we jump to fix it on our own power or seek the help of others to solve it. God desires us to seek Him first in prayer for the solution to the problem and trust Him to work out the details.


July 6 • Proverbs 16:1-3

Who Are You Committed To?

When we surrender our plans to the Lord and are committed to following Him, He will show us the path to follow.


July 5 • Romans 6:12-14

Are You Depending on God?

What are you looking to for the food of life? Have you considered that it may have control of you?


July 4 • Proverbs 3:1-6

Are You Growing in Freedom?

As we grow in our love and obedience to God, we will experience more freedom.


July 3 • Nehemiah 1:3-4

Do You Weep Over the World?

Somebody has described the Church today as a dry-eyed church in a Hell-bent world. It is time to weep. Our city is worth weeping over; our children and grandchildren are worth weeping over; our homes are worth weeping over; this nation is worth weeping over; the lost souls of people are worth weeping over.


July 2 • Psalm 78:40-44

Do You Have the Power to Limit God?

When we designate certain areas of our lives where we will not allow God to work we keep ourselves from receiving the blessings He desires to give us.


July 1 • Psalm 78:1-3

Are We Responsible for the Next Generation?

The devil wants to disconnect the next generation and set them awash in the sea without any spiritual heritage. But God calls us to teach the next generation about His goodness, faithfulness, and salvation.


June 30 • Matthew 13:44

God Keeps His Promises

Jesus is coming back for His treasure one day. God kept His word to Abraham, He will keep His word to us, and He will keep His word to His chosen people of Israel.


June 29 • 1 Peter 1:18-19

God Is Always Right on Time

Everything’s on schedule; God’s timing is not off. He knows exactly what He is doing.

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