Daily Devotionals

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"The daily devotional & message are helping me grow day after day. It is such a blessing to me and to my family & friends as I share it with them as well."


Read More Stories

June 5 •

Rescue The Perishing

"A woman had taken a course in First Aid. When she went back to her study group, they were having testimonials, so she shared what happened to her: Out in front of my very own home, there was a horrible accident. An elderly man was driving ...


June 4 •

Giving God Praise And Glory

"One of the things that kills some churches is that when God starts working, people start taking credit for it. When we start taking credit for what God is doing through His church, then the blessings stop. The same is true in witnessing. ...


June 1 •

Christ Is The Way To Holiness

"God wants you to live with power. He doesn’t want you to simply have the Holy Spirit in you as just a resident. He wants that power to be released in your heart and through your life. Early in my ministry, I endeavored to make myself some...


May 31 •

The Promise Of The Power

"The Holy Spirit of God was poured out upon the church on the Day of Pentecost, which was approximately fifty days after the resurrection of Jesus Christ. On that special day, the Holy Spirit was poured out upon the infant church. God had ...


May 30 •

The Church Is The Body Of Christ

"The church of Jesus Christ is the body of Jesus on this earth. Don’t let that go over your head. That is not incidental. It is a fundamental truth that Jesus Christ inhabits His church. He is alive and well. We are His spiritual body. Peo...


May 29 •

Being A Witness For Jesus

"A preacher went into a discount department store and walked to the back to buy some fishing tackle. As he was standing at the counter, he asked, “What is a good lure for bass?” The man standing next to him began to talk about fishing lures...


May 28 •

Do You Want Your Prayers Answered?

First, you must be saved.


May 25 •

Answered Prayer - 4 Ways

"God responds to our prayers in about four basic ways. 1. DIRECT: God just says “Yes.” We ask God for something and God just says, “All right, My child, you asked, and here it is.” God gives us exactly, precisely, immediately what we ask. ...


May 24 • Divorce

Divorce Is Not The End

Divorce is not the unpardonable sin, though some people think it is, and unfortunately, some churches act like it is.


May 22 • Family & Parenting

Does The Family Have A Future?

"Because the family is the basic unit of society, Satan has waged an all-out war against it. And now some people are asking if the family has a future. Will the family become just a relic of another age? Our children are being educated in ...


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