Daily Devotionals

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"The daily devotional & message are helping me grow day after day. It is such a blessing to me and to my family & friends as I share it with them as well."


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March 2 •

A Mandate From God

"Nehemiah was a man who knew how to get alone with God. He fasted, prayed, and wept. And when he had done all of this, God told him what to do. Do you want to know God’s will about something? Have you done what Nehemiah did? Or are you jus...


March 1 •

Hypocrites In The Church

"Expect there to be hypocrites in the Church. The devil is at work and every church has them. It is not our job as Christians to try to separate the wheat from the tares. We should never get into a crusade against someone else’s religion. T...


February 28 •

Hypocrites...A Backward Testimony

"Don’t let counterfeit Christians keep you out of heaven. Now, why would I make such a strong statement? Because you could let them if you believe the stories their lives are telling. Let me set you straight. A counterfeit Christian is actu...


February 27 •

Shallow Hearts

"“But he who received the seed on stony places, this is he who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy; yet he has no root in himself, but endures only for a while. For when tribulation or persecution arises because of the word,...


February 26 •

Harden Not Your Heart

It’s an altruism—anything you do long enough, you’re going to become proficient at. The same is true of your attitude toward God. If you reject the Gospel long enough, you become a professional Gospel-rejecter. Let me illustrate. Have you ...


February 22 •

The New World Order

"I was reading a while back about Babe Ruth, the king of swat, the most famous baseball player who ever lived. The story goes that one day he was in a ballpark filled with people and he came to bat. The first pitch came over and he didn’t ...


February 21 •

The Old And New Testaments

"The thing I love about the Old Testament is the thing I love about the New Testament. Both the Old and New Testaments are the inspired Word of God. Don’t get the idea that the Old Testament has a different message from the New Testament. A...


February 20 • Bible Study

Reading The Bible During Your Quiet Time

When you read the Bible, read for quality, not quantity.


February 19 •

Girding Up The Loins Of Your Mind

"First Peter 1:13-16 exhorts, “Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; 14 as obedient children, not conforming yourselves to...


February 16 •

What Is A Quiet Time?

"Do you know what a quiet time is? It is fellowship with a holy God. The reason some people don’t have a quiet time is that they feel uncomfortable. They don’t want to look God in the face because there is unconfessed, unrepented sin in the...


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