Daily Devotionals

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"The daily devotional & message are helping me grow day after day. It is such a blessing to me and to my family & friends as I share it with them as well."


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October 30 •

Refusing Your Pardon

"One of the strangest stories ever told is a true story that happened in 1829. George Wilson was sentenced to be hanged in the state of Pennsylvania for murder. President Andrew Jackson pardoned Wilson (for what reason, I do not know). The...


October 29 •

Inner Strength

"In past years, I had a friend named Paul Anderson. Paul was the strongest man in the world—literally! On one occasion, he lifted 6,270 pounds off the ground with his back. He was the strongest man on earth, but he died at 61 years of age. ...


October 26 •

Losing Your Soul For Nothing

"Suppose someone approached you and said, “I have the ability to give you all the wealth, power and pleasure this world has to offer, but there is a price. I want you to give me your little finger. Just get it surgically removed and all thi...


October 25 •

Faith...Taking God At His Word

"What is faith? Faith is not a hunch. Faith is not positive thinking. Faith does not believe everything will work out. Faith is not responding in emotion or feeling to miracles and signs. Faith does not simply believe that God can. Faith k...


October 23 •

The Reason For Suffering

"Over and over again people ask, “If there is a God, why is there so much suffering?” They begin to think, Well, maybe He has the power to remove suffering, but He really doesn’t care. Or they think, Maybe He really does care and want to ...


October 22 •

Dropping A Bomb On Satan

"In 1945 there was a conference in Potsdam. The leaders of the West were there, and they wrote out an ultimatum and sent it to Japan. They said, “You must surrender totally and unconditionally. And if you do not surrender, we will destroy y...


October 19 •

The Only Worthwhile Goal

"You know the problem with many of us? Our faith is something tacked onto our lives. To the apostle Paul, it was his life. Jesus said, “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold ...


October 18 •

Being Content

I heard of a commencement speaker who told a graduating class to make all the money they could, just as long as they made it honestly. That's some pretty bad advice! If you're trying to make all the money you can, then you're going to be m...


October 17 •

Laughter - A Merry Heart

"In Luke 6:21 Jesus is looking at people who are downtrodden and sorrowful. He says, "Blessed are ye that hunger now: for ye shall be filled. Blessed are ye that weep now: for ye shall laugh." Jesus said, "Ye shall laugh." Yes, there's a ti...


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