Daily Devotionals

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"The daily devotional & message are helping me grow day after day. It is such a blessing to me and to my family & friends as I share it with them as well."


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December 5 •

God Rejects Self-Righteousness

"There is a certain righteousness that God rejects, and that is self-righteousness. When a man tries to be righteous by keeping the Ten Commandments, or by being a nice person, or doing good deeds, God rejects that righteousness. Isaiah 64...


December 4 •

The Worst Form Of Badness

"I want you to tell you something big, plain and straight. Salvation is not a reward for the righteous. It is a gift for the guilty. Many come to church and perhaps say, “You know, I need to change my way of living. I’m going to change my ...


December 1 •

Lordship... An Authentic Confession

"Let’s just imagine there’s a wedding between Tom and Susan. As they drive away in the car after the ceremony, Susan looks over to her new husband and says, “Tom, would you please take me home?” And he says, “Well Susan, I can’t take you ho...


November 30 • Marriage

Marriage Is A Lifetime Contract

"When you get married, it is a lifetime contract, not an optional one. Those families who stick it out and those who don’t have basically the same kinds of problems. If we would learn to attack the problem rather than one another, we could ...


November 29 •

Praying For Your Children

"If you ask God to give you a child, and He does, then your prayers must follow that child. Do you know why so many prayers are unanswered? People say, “Well, I pray for my child and God just doesn’t seem to hear my prayer for my child.” W...


November 28 •

Obeying The Light

"Romans 1:16-17 says, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith...


November 27 •

No Real Atheists

"There is a built-in knowledge of God. Augustine said, "The soul of man is restless until it rests in God." God made man to serve Him and to know Him. Until he does, he is like a round peg in a square hole. He is out of fellowship with His ...


November 24 •

Grateful When Others Are Blessed

"Do you know the problem many of us have? It’s not wanting more, it’s wanting more than somebody else. We’re grateful for our home—until we see somebody else’s. We’re grateful for our car—until we take a ride in somebody else’s new car. We’...


November 23 •

The Most Important Thing

"If you are a parent, do your children believe that the most important thing to you is God? If I were to come visit your home today and ask each of your children, “What’s the most important thing to Daddy? What’s the most important thing to...


November 16 •

Peter Forgiven

"Before the crucifixion of Jesus, Simon Peter said, “I am ready to go with Thee both into prison and to death” (Luke 22:33). And Jesus responded, “I tell you, Peter, the rooster shall not crow this day before you will deny three times that ...


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