Read More StoriesConsecration means taking your hands off what already belongs to God. But He’s not going to make you do it. There are no draftees in our Lord’s army. Everyone is a volunteer.
READ MOREYour salvation began in the heart and mind of God. It is of Him, and through Him, and to Him so that we could know Him, love Him, worship Him, and honor Him.
READ MOREWhat some call the law of nature is the power of Jesus. He is the One who keeps it all together; He is the glue of the galaxies.
READ MOREIsrael was not to be just a reservoir into which God poured His blessings, but the pipeline through which God dispersed His blessings. God says that blessing came about in a strange way—the Jews turned from the Gospel and the Gentiles were blessed.
READ MOREGod has made salvation accessible to all of us. He has shared His blessing with us—not based on where we come from but on who we run to.
READ MOREWe don’t need a sedative; we need a Savior. When we receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, He doesn’t give us a sedative, He gives us joy.
READ MOREJesus’ lordship must change your life. Salvation is not just some intellectual belief that you tack on; it is committing everything to the Lord Jesus.
READ MOREWhen we have Doctor Grace, we get a new heart. He gets to the root of the problem, and He sets you free. This is the gift of Christ we all need.
READ MOREDon’t look at your looking; don’t put faith in faith, put faith in Jesus. Faith in faith is positive thinking. Faith in Jesus is salvation.
READ MOREThe worst form of badness is human goodness, if human goodness keeps you from salvation.
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