Daily Devotionals

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August 28 • Colossians 2:6-7

Do You Pay Attention to God’s Boundaries?

Walking in the Spirit means that God directs the boundaries of your life’s decisions and actions. He will supply everything you need.


August 27 • 2 Peter 1:7-8

Do You See Evidence of Godly Growth?

Are you a growing Christian? Remember, to cease to be better is to cease to be good. We all need to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior at all stages in our lives.


August 26 • 2 Peter 1:5-6

How Are You Growing to Godliness?

God desires us to live with self-control and patience. Even when things happen to us that we can’t understand, we can trust God to work in us, growing these character qualities to be like Him.


August 25 • 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Are You Growing in God’s Truth?

The Bible is God-breathed. When you read it and the Holy Spirit reveals truth to you, your faith will grow deeper and stronger.


August 24 • 2 Timothy 3:14-15

Faith Goes Beyond Evidence

Faith is not an intellectual response to God. If you want to know the truth, God will speak to you out of the Scriptures, and you will gain faith.


August 23 • 2 Peter 1:3

Knowing Jesus is the Key to Freedom

Freedom comes through the knowledge of Jesus. The peace and power we need come through the knowledge of Jesus Christ.


August 22 • 2 Peter 1:8

Do You Really Know God?

If you only know about God, you study and learn facts about God, but that is not enough. The way to have a life where you will not fall is to have an intimate, personal knowledge of God.


August 21 • 1 Peter 1:15-16

Are You Set Apart and Devoted to God?

To be holy means to be different from this world. It means to be like God. God is holy, so to be holy is to be like God.


August 20 • Acts 3:19

We Cannot Save Ourselves

Repentance is not just turning over a new leaf; it’s receiving a new life. It’s trusting Christ as your personal Savior.


August 19 • 2 Peter 3:8-9

Do You Know the Whole Truth?

If you see God as all wrath and no mercy, that’s only part of the truth. If you see God as all mercy and no wrath, that’s only part of the truth. When you make part of the truth all the truth, that becomes an untruth.

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