Daily Devotionals

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"The daily devotional & message are helping me grow day after day. It is such a blessing to me and to my family & friends as I share it with them as well."


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March 20 • John 6:71

Is Your Heart Far from God?

You may be serving but your heart is far from God. The external things mean nothing if you are just going through the motions.


March 19 • Ezekiel 36:26-27

God Uses His Word to Speak to Us

God speaks to the heart of a person through His Word by His Spirit. And you can hear Him speaking to your heart, too – just ask and listen.


March 18 • Psalm 19:8-9

How You Can Be a True Intellectual

Oh, how we should delight in the Word of God. What a joy there is in knowing God’s Word. His way is the way of joy, is never out of date, and applies to every age, including your life today.


March 17 • Hebrews 4:12

Do You Need God’s Power in Your Life?

The Bible is not the book of the month. It is the book of the ages. There is life-changing power in the Bible.


March 16 • Romans 15:4

Do You Rely on the Real Source of Hope?

The Bible is more than a book. Jesus is more than a man. Wherever you are in life, this Word of Life applies to you and offers the hope you need.


March 15 • Psalm 145:17-18

Prayer Fortifies Our Dependence on God

We are to pray not to impress God, not to inform God, but to invite God and to enjoy God.


March 14 • Matthew 6:5-8

Why Do We Pray?

Jesus is not opposed to public prayer. What He is opposed to is praying to be seen by men. When you pray, just talk to God without trying to impress Him or others.


March 13 • 2 Timothy 3:16-17

The Amazing Unity of God’s Word

From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible reads as one book. There is an incredible unity in the Bible.


March 12 • Hebrews 4:12

Do You Apply God’s Word to Your Life?

The Word of God can change your life if you apply and obey it. Spend time learning, but don’t neglect obeying His Word.


March 11 • Romans 5:6-8

God Rescues Us from Sin

We tried to reach God, but we can’t overcome the sin barrier on our own power or goodness. But God, out of love, made the permanent solution to the problem we could never take care of on our own.

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