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January 23 • Matthew 6:25-27

Drop the Anvils

Many people carry load of care under one arm, and a load of care under the other arm, and wonder, “Why am I sinking?” Our Lord is saying, “Seek me, and I’ll take care of all of these things that are burdening you.” God is more than able to take care of the things in your life.


January 22 • Matthew 6:19-20

A Safety Deposit Box in Heaven

Heavenly investments are unfading. No fees, no court costs, no taxes, and no inflation can take your lasting away. All the things we think are treasures will be gone one day and only the investments in Heaven will stay with us as we cross into eternity.


January 21 • Matthew 6:7

Too Many Words

Too often, we approach prayer wanting to impress God, so we use formal language or try to say the right thing to Him. But it’s not the logic of our prayer or the language of our prayer that causes God to hear us.


January 20 • Matthew 6:1-2

Full Showroom – Empty Warehouse

The greatest argument for Christianity and the greatest argument against Christianity is the life of a Christian. There is nothing genuine in hypocrisy—it is all a show. Some have described it as having everything on the showroom floor but nothing in the warehouse.


January 19 • Matthew 7:24-25

Find Healing after Divorce

You can find healing and build your home on the rock after divorce. Take the remainder of your life and give it to God. God is not finished with you


January 18 • Matthew 5:31-32

Change Your Home Overnight

While marriages are not healed overnight, the direction of your marriage can be changed overnight. By a decision, a consecration, and a surrender of your will, the direction of your home can be changed—not by your own strength but by the power of our Savior.


January 17 • Matthew 5:42

Grace in Action

God went to great lengths to show His love for us when we did not deserve it. He has set the way before us and equips us by His Spirit to love and to go the second mile for those who are undeserving. In so doing, we show the hope and grace of God to the world that needs Him.


January 16 • Matthew 5:38-41

Walk the Love Mile

We live as ambassadors of His grace by helping those to whom we owe nothing or those who have persecuted us. There’s the law mile and the legal mile, and there’s the love mile and the extra mile. This is what Jesus has called us to pursue.


January 15 • Romans 8:1-2

A Hospital for Sinners

The Church is not a showcase for saints; it’s a hospital for sinners. God is ready to heal you, restore you, and make you new—no matter your past or your sin struggle.


January 14 • Matthew 7:24-25

Working Yourself Out of a Job

A parent is successful when the children no longer need them to function in daily life. You work yourself out of a job, but you don’t work yourself out of a relationship.

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