Read More StoriesWhen you confess your sin to God, He makes you clean.
READ MOREEvery person must come to the place where he or she makes a clear decision to choose the pleasure of the world or the treasures of Christ.
READ MOREIf you know the Lord, the unbreakable promises of God, and the unshakeable power of God, then you will experience that undeniable peace of God when it comes time to die
READ MOREFaith is not shaken by reason; it is not shaken by emotion; it is not shaken by delay.
READ MOREWhen a person has fellowship with God, he or she has the ability to love others.
READ MOREIf there is something that you love more, fear more, serve more, or trust more than almighty God, no wonder God’s presence is not real in your heart and in your life. You have divided devotion.
READ MOREWhen you have the presence of God, you need nothing more, but you should settle for nothing less.
READ MOREPut your confidence in the unshakeable power of God, not in your reasoning and not in your emotions.
READ MOREFaith is standing on the promises of God. And because of those promises, we can smile at death.
READ MOREOur faith is summed up in this; “Come to Me and go to all the world.”
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