Read More StoriesThere is God’s provision, but there must be your appropriation. And it doesn’t matter what God has done for you—if you don’t appropriate it, it won’t be yours.
READ MOREThe devil would love to intimidate you with the bones of your old life, but your sins are in the grave of God’s forgetfulness.
READ MOREGreat loss came through Adam and such beautiful riches came through Jesus.
READ MOREWe are condemned by Adam, one man, and thank God we can be saved by one Man, Jesus.
READ MOREWe don’t produce the fruit of the Spirit ourselves. We must abide in Jesus and we’ll bear that fruit. Because it is the fruit of the Spirit; it’s not our fruit.
READ MOREThe fruit of the heart can only be changed when Jesus changes the heart. God is after heart change, and He wants to develop and grow the fruit.
READ MOREStorms come into every life, saved or lost. The storm is going to show whether you have a strong foundation.
READ MOREThere are two things necessary for a firm foundation: hearing and heeding the Word of God. That’s where we begin to separate the rock builders from the sand builders.
READ MORESatan is the captain of camouflage. If the Gospel of Jesus is not the center of all things in a church, it is false teaching. People can be fooled by a nice building, but God knows the sincere places of worship, the places that seek Him over a name for themselves or the desires of their hearts.
READ MOREWe are often looking for a cheap way, an easy way, a lazy way to serve Jesus. There is no such thing. We are called to follow Him, be changed by Him, and surrender daily to Him because the cost will be worth it in the end.
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