Read More StoriesWhen we see the Lord Jesus we are going to be in awe and wonder at His transforming love.
READ MOREWhen we begin to pray for the glory of God, God moves in.
READ MOREFaith and fervency in prayer is the key to praying with power.
READ MOREGod desires for you to allow Him to show you where you are wrong.
READ MOREWe are all found guilty in our sin before Holy God. Only when we admit this guilt, we can receive forgiveness and healing.
READ MOREJesus Christ triumphed over sin and death, giving you the opportunity to live in that same victory as a Christian.
READ MOREGuilt brings remorse and beats people down; it becomes a tool of the devil. Conviction comes from the Holy Spirit and leads to restoration.
READ MOREOnce Satan entices you to sin, he uses guilt to accuse you and keep you bound up in that sin.
READ MOREThe Christian life is lived out through two important steps: repentance and faith. Repentance is where I see my bankruptcy; faith is where I see His glory.
READ MOREAll the things you do are to be within the context of the Holy Spirit of God leading and directing your life.
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