Daily Devotionals

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"The daily devotional & message are helping me grow day after day. It is such a blessing to me and to my family & friends as I share it with them as well."


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June 25 • Job 19:19

Do You Feel Forsaken?

Have you ever felt forsaken by friends, family, associates, or your church? Do you find it hard to trust God in those moments? Seek God as a faithful friend when you feel forsaken.


June 24 • John 6:16-17

When God Sends You Into a Storm…

How can you trust God’s providence when you face troubling circumstances? Is there any hope for peace in your suffering?


June 23 • Job 1:21

Can You Trust God When You Suffer?

It is hard to praise God when we are suffering. But we can trust God to grow our faith when we go through troubled times.


June 22 • Job 13:15

Do You Have a Right View of Suffering?

If you think that by doing good, you can avoid suffering, you have the wrong view of suffering. Make a list of godly people that have suffered. Do you have a right view of suffering?


June 21 • Galatians 5:22-23

You Need to Be Gentle

You need gentleness and tender loving care to restore a bone. You need that same gentleness to restore a person. Have you been gentle with your neighbors?


June 20 • Galatians 6:1

You Need to Wake Up Running

Do you run toward sin or away from it? We need to wake up running away from sin before it catches up to us.


June 19 • John 13:14

Not to Be Served but to Serve

Being in a place of leadership does not mean that others must serve you. Jesus came to Earth to serve, not to be served. How does this change your view of leadership?


June 18 • Ephesians 5:24

Different but Not Inferior

Man and woman are different, but that does not make one inferior to the other. Wives are to submit to their husbands in the sight of God, to both honor and respect their husbands.


June 17 • Ephesians 5:23

Lovingly Lead Your Wife

Husbands are to lovingly lead their wives just as Christ leads the Church.


June 16 • Genesis 7:1

Come Into the Ark

Noah had to take a step of faith into the ark. How can you enter into Christ as Noah entered into the ark?

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