“Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.”
January 30, 2025
There are two things necessary for a firm foundation: hearing and heeding the Word of God. That’s where we begin to separate the rock builders from the sand builders.
Suppose the devil were to ask to join your church. Someone sits down with him and asks, “Mr. Devil, we want to know if you are orthodox or not. Do you believe in one God? Do you believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God? Do you believe He was born of a virgin? Do you believe He died on the cross? Do you believe He walked out of the grave?” He would answer all those things correctly, saying yes to each one.
They might then ask how he feels called to serve. I imagine he’d be glad to do anything you ask. He’ll be an usher. He’ll sing in the choir if you want him to. He’ll be glad to preach. He’ll be glad to get into that organization and work.
But there should be one final question. “Are you willing to bow your knee to the lordship of Jesus Christ?” And he will not do that. Many people think just because they give a mental assent to the facts of the Gospel and just because they are working in the church in some way, they are going to Heaven. But they have no more faith than the devil himself because they have never surrendered to the lordship of Jesus Christ.
Ask a trusted friend how he or she has seen you live out your faith and ask for honest feedback on where that person has seen you struggle to live out the Word.
This ministry is made possible because of the generous support of people like you who believe in the mission of Love Worth Finding—to bring people to Christ and mature them in the faith.
Your gift today will help others hear the profound truth of the Gospel…simply stated by Pastor Adrian Rogers.