Daily Devotional
Seen and the Unseen

“While we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.”

2 Corinthians 4:18

Ponder This

The word hope does not imply uncertainty; it implies certainty. We use the word hope differently in modern vocabulary than the meaning the Bible writers conveyed. In the Bible, the word hope means a divine certainty based on a divine promise. Hope means a certainty based on a word from God. Things hoped for are the things God has promised.

Have you ever heard the expression: “What you see is what you get?” or “Seeing is believing?” Those are the opposite of the biblical definition of faith. Hebrews 11:3 tells us there is more to the world than what we see. What you can see was made of things you can’t see. We have seen that in the molecular structure of the Universe. Our whole Universe is made of invisible atoms, a molecular structure that we cannot see. This is one of the greatest scientific statements in the Bible before the realm of atomic science ever came. The things that are seen are made out of the things that are not seen. So, faith is the evidence of the unseen. There is an unseen world out there. We as Christians are often looked down on because we have faith in what we cannot see, but that is exactly what we should focus on.

  • What are the unseen things we need to focus on? What are some of the seen things that we get distracted by?
  • How does knowing God created the world out of things unseen change the way you view the world?

Practice This

Worship God and thank Him for all that He has made and for His sovereignty over even the things we can’t see.

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