Daily Devotional
The Relationship Gets Sweeter

“Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him!”

Psalm 34:8

Ponder This

Years ago, I was walking through an alley behind a Sunday school. I did not go to Sunday school; my family did not attend church. I heard them singing a song. They were singing “Every day with Jesus is sweeter than the day before.” I was in my early teen years, but I said to myself, “That is not true; that is impossible. Nothing can keep getting sweeter.” But since I have been saved, I know it is totally true.

I love the Lord Jesus Christ as much now as I ever have in my life, and yet, I’m looking forward to loving Him more tomorrow. You see, the devil gives the best first. That’s the way it is with life. You start out in life as a child with the joy and wonder of childhood, and then there’s the vision and the enthusiasm of youth and in manhood. But then about middle age, you get into the battle of life and the weariness of age, and things begin to deteriorate and run downhill if you don’t know the Lord. Without Jesus, life gets worse and worse.

I’m telling you, when Jesus performed His first miracle, it was a manifestation of His glory, but I can hardly wait for Him to come again. Thank God that we have hope as we age—we can look forward to His coming.

  • Have you ever gone into an experience questioning how it would turn out, only to be pleasantly surprised that things went well? What was it like?
  • What leads you to have low expectations? How can you change your thinking knowing that Christ is with you and for you?

Practice This

Write out the parts of your walk with God where you feel His joy the most.

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