Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe Me, the hour is coming when you will neither on this mountain, nor in Jerusalem, worship the Father. You worship what you do not know; we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews.”
May 19, 2021
Our greatest need, privilege, and supreme duty as Christians is to worship God; it is the very reason we were created. We are invited, commanded, encouraged, and empowered to worship God, because we become like what we worship.
If you want to be utterly miserable, turn your life inward. If you want to be filled with joy, turn your life upward. Look into the face of God and learn to worship.
In John 4, Jesus met a woman who had been blinded by Satan, broken by sorrow, and bound by sin. What Jesus shared with this Samaritan woman reminds us why it is important to be faithful in worship.
First, Jesus taught her the meaning of true worship.
It is easy to fall into the trappings of idolatry, insincerity, and iniquity. True worship is all that we are, responding to all that God is. It is the adoring contemplation of God revealed in the Lord Jesus Christ. We worship according to the worth we place on God.
What might you have made into an idol, even unknowingly? Take specific steps to turn your full worship to God?
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