Daily Devotional
We Need to Be a Worshiping Church

But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.

John 4:23

Ponder This

Have you ever been in a boring worship service? Never. You’ve been in some services that were not worship services, but you’ve never been in a worship service that was boring. It might have been called a worship service, but what could be more thrilling? What could be more glorious? What could be more energizing? What could be more wonderful than when we come to worship the great God of eternity and lift our hearts to God in praise?

God’s great heart desires worship. Is God some sort of an egotist that we have to praise Him? Does He need us to boost His morale by telling him how good and how great He is? That’s not it at all. When you worship God, you enjoy God and God enjoys you. We would be better if we worshiped better because we become like what we worship. The church needs to be a worshiping church.

Practice This

Spend time today worshiping God. During this time, don’t ask anything of God; instead, only praise Him for who He is.

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Calling God's Name

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