Daily Devotional
We Need Worship in Our Prayers

“…saying with a loud voice: ‘Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom, and strength and honor and glory and blessing!’”

Revelation 5:12

Ponder This

A woman was once trapped in an apartment building. A brave fireman saw her at the window screaming for help, so he climbed a ladder to rescue her, taking her in his arms and bringing her down that ladder. He saved her life. Later, she went to the firehouse to thank that fireman. They got acquainted, began to date, got married, and I trust, lived happily ever after.

When she was in that window saying, “Help me! Save me!” that’s like praying, “God, I’ve got a need. I need you.” When we call on God for help when we’re in trouble, that is petition. We need to do that, to call on God for what we need. When the woman went to the firehouse to say thank you, that’s like praise and thanksgiving. We need to do that too. We ought to come to God, thank Him, glorify Him, and praise Him for what He has done for us. But we also need to worship Him. When the woman and the fireman fell in love and got married, she didn’t just love him because he had rescued her but for who he was. Out of that love, she gave all of her to all of him. That is like worship.

This is where many of us fall short. Sometimes our prayers are for help and salvation, which is wonderful. Sometimes we’re saying, “Thank you, Lord, for what you’ve done,” and that’s great too. But how many times have we simply come to God and said, “O God, I just pour out my heart in love to you.” That is true worship. And we need to do it more.

  • When was the last time you truly worshiped God?
  • How can you worship God on a regular basis?

Practice This

Meet up with a friend and worship God together.


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