Daily Devotional
What Brings You to Tears?

“Blessed are those who mourn: for they shall be comforted.”

Matthew 5:4

Ponder This

The world would never say this: “Blessed are those who mourn.” The world would say just the opposite: “Blessed are those who never have to cry.” We’ve done all we can do to keep ourselves from feeling any pain. We have psychologists who numb our neurosis. Counselors who absolve us of guilt. Doctors to sedate our pain. Insurance agents to take away our worries. And even at death, we have the mortuary to try to beautify death for us.

But Jesus was a man of sorrows. He saw the sin around Him and it broke His heart. Jesus here is not talking about the moaners, but the mourners, those who primarily mourn over sin. In Matthew 23:34-39, we read how Jesus’ heart ached for Jerusalem and the destruction sin had brought to the hearts of men.

Practice This

Do the things that break the heart of Jesus break yours? Do you have a dry eye in a Hell-bent world? It’s time to be like Jesus.

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