Daily Devotional
What Does it Mean to Believe ON Jesus?

“If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the Scripture says, ‘Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.’”

Romans 10:9-11

Ponder This

When I was a pastor in Florida, I had a deacon friend who was a very wealthy man, but he wouldn’t fly on an airplane. This man had enough money he could buy a ticket anywhere in the world and never miss the money. He loved to travel, but he always drove. One day I said to him, “Brother, you should fly.” He said, “Intellectually, I know a plane can fly, but emotionally I just can’t get on it. I just can’t do it.” So, he drove everywhere he traveled.

But one day, he said, “I’m a grown man. Everybody else is flying. I am going to fly.” And he bought a ticket, got on an airplane, and buckled himself in. He made it, and now he flies everywhere. What was the difference? Before, he believed about an airplane; when he got on, he believed on the airplane. What does it mean to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ? It means commit yourself to Jesus Christ. Commit yourself to Him, by faith, and you’ll be saved. You supply the sinner; He supplies the Savior.

  • Who are some people you are seeking to share Jesus with?
  • What are some fears about faith you hear from others?

Practice This

Pray for a person with whom you have been trying to share your faith. Ask God to help that person believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.


What is the mission of the Church?

Love Worth Finding's newest book, "A Final Charge to the Church, "is based on the final series of messages Pastor Rogers preached before retiring in 2005. Pastor Rogers wanted to prepare his congregation for the future. In doing so, he provided a biblically sound blueprint that applies to all Christians on topics including unity among believers, standing strong in opposition to the enemy (Satan), the power of the Holy Spirit to change lives, steadfastness in prayer, true worship, faithfulness to God's Word, caring for others, and the kingdom authority given to believers in Jesus Christ. The book is a great read for all believers who want to become better prepared, as the bride of Christ, to be radiant, pure, and faithful to Jesus, the living Word of God.