Daily Devotional
Who’s Holding On to Who?

“Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy.”

Jude 1:24

Ponder This

Jude began and ended this book by talking about the eternal security of the believer. If he didn’t do this, when you read what’s in between, you may start thinking that Jude was talking about people who had lost their salvation. An apostate is not somebody who has lost his or her salvation. An apostate is someone who has received the truth, rejected the truth, ridicules the truth, and literally tries to replace the truth. But this person has never been saved. He or she is like Judas, who was never born again. But people who are truly born again, true children of God, can never again be lost souls—not because they hold onto God, but because God holds onto them.

  • How does it encourage you to remember that it is God who keeps you faithful and not your own effort?
  • How does this reality provide more motivation for faithfulness to God?

Practice This

Write out a list of specific ways God has held onto you and refused to let you go throughout your life.

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