“But if not, let it be known to you, O king, that we do not serve your gods, nor will we worship the gold image which you have set up.”
August 19, 2022
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego said in essence, “Our God is able, and we believe He will. But if He doesn’t, it’s not because He’s not able, and we’re not going to bow before your filthy image.” (See Daniel 3:16-18.) Notice they had a settled faith. They didn’t say, “Well, let’s huddle about it.” Their minds were already made up. They had a sure faith: “Our God is able.” But they also had a steadfast faith to say, “Even if He doesn’t, even if we’re turned to bacon in that furnace, we’re not going to worship your idol.”
Are you ready to quit just because God doesn’t do the thing you ask Him to do? You’d better have an “if not” clause in your faith. It doesn’t mean your faith is weak. It means that it is stronger than ever. “God, I know You’re able. But if You don’t do it, Lord, I’m going to serve You anyway. I’m not going to make bargains with You.” Sometimes we don’t understand why God does things. A mature faith bows to the sovereign purposes of God.
Take time in prayer today to submit an area of difficulty before God. Ask Him to build your faith and help you trust Him, even “if not.”
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