Daily Devotional
Are You Maturing in Jesus?

“Knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.”

James 1:3-4

Ponder This

Suppose you’re running a 100-yard dash and you’re 10 yards ahead of everybody else and three feet from the goal, but you quit. It doesn’t matter how far ahead you were; you just lost the race. You’re never a failure until you quit.

What does God want out of you? God wants you to be a full-grown Christian. He wants you to be mature. There is no maturity without patience and no patience without trials. But if you’re not mature, you’re not like the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible says God wants to bring you to the fullness of Christ. And the way He does that is by allowing you to have trials and tribulations so that you might be mature. Are children patient? Of course not! Anybody who has children knows children don’t know the difference between “no” and “not yet.” If you just say, “Wait a while” to them, it might as well be “No!” They want it now! But God is interested in growing you up and making you mature. The only way you’ll learn maturity is through tribulation that leads to patience.

  • When have you needed endurance in a trial?
  • What were some moments in your life that have helped you mature in your faith?

Practice This

Pray and ask God to show you the areas where you need to mature.

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