Daily Devotional
Are you single? Here's God's best desire for you...

BIBLE MEDITATION: It is good for a man not to touch a woman. Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. 1 Corinthians 7:1-2

DEVOTIONAL THOUGHT: Premarital sex always endangers future marital happiness. It follows as night follows day. Surveys show that those who were sexually pure when they went to the marriage altar have the greatest opportunity to have a happy marriage. People who keep God's laws concerning purity enjoy a better sexual relationship with their spouse than those who break God's laws.

You can understand why. Suppose a man says to a woman “I love you so much, I just can’t wait.” He talks her into giving in to his desires. Is he trustworthy? On the other hand think about a man who loves and respects a woman by keeping her pure. Do you see the trust this builds?

Impurity sins against your future marriage and happiness. God has a wonderful plan for you. Sex is so bad outside marriage because it’s so good inside marriage. He has planned the greatest fulfillment for you. You have to feel sorry for the other group because they’ve missed what their Creator has designed them for.

ACTION POINT: Are you single? Take courage from knowing your purity is God’s best for you. Though it may be hard to wait, God will honor your obedience.


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