“The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever”
March 17, 2020
Did you know there's no devil in the first two chapters or the last two chapters of the Bible? But Genesis and Revelation have plenty to say about him elsewhere.
And the devil hates Genesis and Revelation! He has waged war against them. He would tell us that Genesis is myth and Revelation is mystery. In the book of Genesis, you see sin as it begins and brings death and a curse. In the book of Revelation, sin is gone. There is no more death and no more curse.
In the book of Genesis, Satan appears for the first time. In the book of Revelation, he appears for the last time. There’s a special blessing in both Genesis and Revelation:
What we see begin in the book of Genesis, we see in completion and fulfillment in the book of the Revelation.
How important it is that we see these books as they are, in comparison and in contrast! For what God began years ago at the first creation, He ultimately completes in His new creation.
I try to unplug each morning with Jesus with just my rocking chair, my Bible, and a pen.
Having a secret place is very important because I know that Jesus is always there waiting for me. I know where I can find Him! His presence is everywhere, but there are places where it is so thick you can cut it with a knife. You may not even have a front porch, but there is a secret place for you as well. God’s invitations are for anyone who will respond. There is no more important request than the one found in Psalm 27:8: “My heart has heard You say, ‘Come and talk with Me.’ And my heart responds, ‘Lord, I am coming.’”