Daily Devotional
Conversion Brings Conflict


There was a man who went duck hunting with the farmhand who worked on his farm. The farmer wasn’t a believer, but the farmhand was.

The farmer said to the farmhand, “You’re always talking about fighting with the devil. I never have to fight with the devil, and I’m not even a Christian.” The farmhand responded, “Boss, if you and I shot two ducks and one was wounded and one was dead, which one would you go after first?” The farmer said, “Well, I guess the wounded duck.” “That’s right. The devil knows you’re a dead duck,” concluded the farmhand.

If the devil doesn’t bother you, it’s because you’re a dead duck. He doesn’t have to bother you. You’re already one of his. There’s no conflict without conversion. You never really understand the power of Satan until you get saved.

If there is no conflict, then you and the devil are traveling in the same direction. You turn around, and you’ll have a collision with him! Right now, you are in collusion with him.

It’s a false gospel that tells you if you come to Christ, there will be no adversity, no misfortune, no persecution, and no pain. Romans 8:16-17 declares, “The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together.”



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