Daily Devotional
Do You Desire God?

“I will be found by you,” says the Lord, “and I will bring you back from your captivity…”

Jeremiah 29:14a

Ponder This

Three things drew the wise men to Jesus:

  • The ministry of the Spirit
  • The message of the Scripture
  • The miracle of the star

Who put in their hearts the desire to find the Christ-child and worship Him? The Holy Spirit. Do you know why we seek Him? Because first He went seeking us. First John 4:19 states, “We love Him because He first loved us.”

Do you know why I love the Lord Jesus? Because God in grace and mercy put a desire in my heart to seek after Him. The Bible says that by our nature, our flesh, none of us would seek after God—no, not one (see Romans 3:11), and that would have included these wise men.

They didn’t come to Him because they were smarter than other men or because they were so intellectual. They were wise, and that wisdom caused them to be yielded to God. That’s why God the Holy Spirit could work in their hearts and draw them to Jesus.

Practice This

Do you have a desire to know Him? To love Him? To serve Him? Do you find something drawing you to God? Remember His promise: You will find Him when you seek Him with all your heart.

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