Daily Devotional
Do You Desire to Share Jesus?

“And He commanded us to preach to the people, and to testify that it is He who was ordained by God to be Judge of the living and the dead.”

Acts 10:42

Ponder This

You ought to share your faith. If you have no desire to share your faith, there is reason to assess if you have really been changed by Jesus. You’ve heard people say “keep the faith.” Not only should you keep it, but you ought also to give it away. And if you have no desire to give it away, perhaps you ought to give it up. If you knew the cure to cancer, you’d want to share that, wouldn’t you? The best news this world has ever known is the saving Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I can give you this testimony: from the day I gave my heart to Jesus Christ to this very moment, there has always been a desire in my heart to share Him. That’s one of the ways I know my faith is real. I’ve not always shared Him as I ought. I’ve not always been wise. I’ve not always been diligent. But there has always been, down in the recesses of my heart, a desire to share the Lord Jesus Christ. Do you have this same desire?

  • How would you rate your own desire to share Jesus with others?
  • What obstacles make this difficult for you?

Practice This

Ask God to show you your true heart for sharing Him with others. Ask Him to help you be honest with Him and with yourself, recognizing that it is of no benefit to try to convince yourself of falsehood in this area.

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