January 15, 2019
“But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer.” 1 Peter 4:7
Years ago, G. Campbell Morgan, a great expositor of the Word of God, said, “I never lay my head on the pillow without thinking that perhaps before I awake, the final morning may have dawned. I never begin work without thinking that Jesus may interrupt it to begin His own.”
Every night before we go to sleep, we ought to say, “Jesus may come tonight.” And every day when we get our tools and go to work, this may be the last day of work that we do. We are to be looking for His return. We are also to be longing for His return.
Are you praying for Jesus to return? If you love Him, you ought to be longing for His return. I have Him in my heart, but I long to lay my eyes upon Him and walk with Him and talk with Him. “Even so, come Lord Jesus” (Revelation 22:20).
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