Daily Devotional
Does The Family Have A Future?


Because the family is the basic unit of society, Satan has waged an all-out war against it. And now some people are asking if the family has a future. Will the family become just a relic of another age?

Our children are being educated in a system that says, “We’re going to be neutral regarding God.” However, the public school system is not neutral, because they teach godless science. When you tell a preschooler that a frog became a prince, that’s a fairy tale. But if you teach that in school, then it's evolution!

If there’s no future for our families, you can put it down big, plain and straight: there is no future for this nation.

Jesus said, "He that is not with Me is against Me; and he that gathereth not with Me scattereth abroad" (Matthew 12:30).


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