Daily Devotional
Encouragement for your race today


Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain. 1 Corinthians 9:24


God set one race before me. He set another race before you. Everyone must run their own race. We’re not in a race against each other; we’re in a pilgrimage together. I'm not trying to out-do you. You’re not trying to out-do me. God has set before me a race that is peculiar to me. God has a plan for my life. He has a plan for yours. God has a race He wants each of us to run. We’re to get on it and stay on it until it is over.

If the runners of that day were inspired when they ran their race, how much greater should our effort be today with all the saints who have gone before us and can testify of God’s faithfulness?

Do you feel inspired? I do! It encourages me to know I’m not alone out there in the race and that I have the testimony of men and women who have run the race, knowing the pitfalls that are out there.


Friend, I hope you feel encouraged and inspired to run the unique race God has set for you today. At Love Worth Finding, we would be honored to hear how God is fulfilling your every need along the way.


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