Daily Devotional
Faith Comes By Hearing


Every one of us has faith in the natural realm. We believe chairs will hold us up, planes will take us where we need to go, and the food we’re served is safe to eat.

But that’s not the kind of faith to which Paul refers when he says, “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God” (Romans 10:17). This is Biblical faith, and it occurs in the supernatural realm. You cannot generate that kind of faith. You cannot clench your fist, grit your teeth, and say you are going to believe.

No one can believe in God unless God enables him to believe. And the only way you can believe in God is to hear from His Word. Without a word from God, you have no basis for faith.

Faith is not a leap in the dark. Instead, faith is a step into the light.



Real Truth Never Changes

Real truth never changes, and the truth about government is that it is God who ordains it, leaders who are responsible for it, and citizens who are accountable to it. The privilege of being called Americans comes with significant responsibilities—to God, to each other, and to the world.