Daily Devotional
God May Hurt, But Never Harm You


God will hurt you, but God will not harm you. Do you like that idea? Maybe not.

You say, “I don’t like the idea of God hurting me.” God loves you too much to leave you self-sufficient. God will protect you, but He will not pamper you. God will hurt you, but He will not harm you.

One time, I had a doctor who took a knife and cut me. Can you imagine that? He hurt me, but he didn’t harm me. He helped me because I had a rock collection down there called gallstones.

What I am trying to say is this: God will protect you. He never takes His eye off of you, but He will not pamper you. He is not going to coddle you. God will hurt you. “Whom the Lord loves, He chastens.” But God will not harm you. My friend, you can trust Him.


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